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The E.S.I KIDS Learning System – An Overview

The E.S.I KIDS learning system consists of three parts:

  • E.S.I KIDS Reader books
  • E.S.I KIDS Curriculum
  • Training courses for schools as e-learning (on-site upon request)

All of the three parts of our teaching and learning system can be used separately, or in combination.

Find out how our proven SEL curriculum and books can be a part of your publishing / distribution catalogue or your schools teaching and learning materials.


The E.S.I KIDS Reader Books

The E.S.I KIDS Readers is a specifically designed series of books that “sharpensthe saw” in emotional, social and soft skills through stories, step-by-step teacher and parent guidelines, as well as interactive student-centred activities towards making real life challenges and abstract topics concrete.

The readers guide and enable teachers and parents to nurture both their own and their students’ problem solving and decision-making skills through a supportive and holistic approach.

Animal characters in each story provide engagement while introducing the various topics and themes. Activities extend and support the learning journey are at the end of each reader.

By using social and emotional themes students develop a resource rich library of linguistic competencies together with social and emotional resilience. The readers can be used as a stand-alone book or integrated into the existing curriculum. Moreover, the E.S.I KIDS Readers can be used as an additional resource, during home learning, for counselling sessions or as part of the school library.

Benefits of the E.S.I KIDS Readers

Features of the E.S.I KIDS Readers

Our E.S.I KIDS Readers (Series 1)

Our Series 1 topics include bullying, using safe and unsafe items, active problem solving, keeping safe from strangers as well as maintaining friendships. Our storieshave colourful illustrations and mascots engaging young learners. Our Notes to the Parent/Teacher provide discussion and learning possibilities. An interactive activity section at the end allows for student evaluation.

Fuzzy and The Bully

How will Fuzzy standup to Adam the Bully in school? Do bullies ever win? How far does Fuzzy go to let Adam know this?

Stop, Think and Do!

Mummy goes out. She tells Incy the ant and his sister to be careful of strangers. Suddenly, a stranger knocks on the door. What will Incy and his sister do next?

How To Be A Super Friend

What are the ways to be and keep good friends at school? How does Incy, Paula, Roger and all their friends at school show how to be a Super Friend?

Safe & Unsafe Things

Can Roger manage all the daily challenges safely without his mummy and daddy? Does he know how to use safe and unsafe things?

Social Boundaries 

Randy learns about “social boundaries” and the people inside and outside of his circle of trust at school. How does Randy help himself when he is lost at the mall?

Stranger Danger

Roger and Horsey meet a stranger at the door step, at the playground and online. Can Roger and Horsey be friends with the stranger? Can they trust the stranger?

Our E.S.I KIDS Readers (Series 2)

Our Series 2 topics include, making positive and right choices, being honest, helpful, patient and kind. Our stories have colourful illustrations and mascots engaging young learners. Our Notes to the Parent/Teacher provide discussion and learning possibilities. An interactive activity section at the end allows for student evaluation.

My Right Choices

Foxy, Paula and Freddie are friends at school. Sometimes they quarrel. They learn about “The Right Choices” at school. How will they make the right choices?

To Lie Or Not To Lie

Foxy finds it hard to tell the truth to his daddy. Sometimes it is tough to be honest! What should he do? Tell the truth or tell a lie?

A Helping Hand

Roger is Paula’s new neighbour. Roger needs a lot of help as it is his first day at school. What does Paula do to make sure Randy has a good day at school? 

The Unkind World

Roger breaks Horsey’s favourite crayons. An apology does not work. Horsey dreams about what the world would be like if everyone was unkind.

Good Things Take Time

Adam and John are cousins. What happens at Adam’s birthday party when John cannot wait for the things he wants?

Kindness Counts

Randy and Incy are neighbours and classmates. At school, they face challenges in being kind and helpful. What will Randy and Incy do next?

The E.S.I KIDS Curriculum (For Teachers & Schools)

Our teacher’s guidebooks, resource books and student activity books are teacher and student friendly, interactive, fun and engaging.

The Curriculum:

  • helps learners be emotionally literate, academically successful and well balanced
  • increases students and teachers SEL soft skills
  • uses step by step and friendly guidelines that are easy to follow with minimal preparation and time
  • incorporates active learning exercises
  • interactive, engaging and hands on activities
  • includes additional notes to the parents
  • supports teachers in nurturing 21 st century teaching competencies

Curriculum Book Series 1

Includes: Teacher’s Guide Book, Teacher’s Resource Book, Student Activity Book

Curriculum Book Series 2

Includes: Teacher’s Guide Book, Teacher’s Resource Book, Student Activity Book

Curriculum Book Series 3

Includes: Teacher’s Guide Book, Teacher’s Resource Book, Student Activity Book

E.S.I KIDS Readers e-learning for schools

Our 1 hour 30 min e-course for teachers and schools covers the following topics:

  • Identifying the main areas of the SEL (social emotional learning) and its importance to your students in their learning and well-being.
  • Identifying best practice in using the E.S.I KIDS Readers in teaching and learning.
  • Developing storytelling, questioning skills, and teaching strategies in nurturing SEL in the classroom.

Here is a glimpse into our course

Find out how our e-course can benefit your teachers and “contact us” here:

Foreign Rights & Licensing

Find out how our proven SEL curriculum and books can be a part of your publishing / distribution catalogue or your schools teaching and learning materials.

For further enquiries please “contact us”

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